Sunday, November 3, 2013


One of the hardest parts of being an autistic child's parent is to control your emotions and stay logical when others complain or question your child.

I got an email from my son's teacher stating that he was not behaving and that they tried to make him understand that there would be consequences when he didn't follow directions, etc.  There has been a power struggle with him lately.  He wants to claim his independence and does it in all the wrong ways... like telling teachers and friends that they need to follow his directions.
On one hand, I understand that he needs to be disciplined.  On the other, there has to be a difference between an autistic child and a mainstream child when it comes to judgement.  How does the school system deal with misbehaving kids?  Is there a difference in severity of consequences between special needs kids and mainstream kids?  How do I ask that question from the school staff?  Am I being oversensitive?

I DO want his behavior modified.  It needs to be.  I also want to ensure he's being treated with kindness and understanding in the process.

Friday, November 1, 2013

My Halloween Nag

Halloween is over.  Thank God!  I used to love getting creative and dressing up when it was only me I had to worry about.  Now I have to get creative figuring out how to manage sugar intake with the least number of tantrums.  And that's just the aftermath of trick or treating.

Beforehand, I give my son a little lecture.  We are going in public where there is a lot of traffic and maybe little tolerance.  He can't get picky.  He can't take his time going through the candy bowl.  He can't touch people's costumes without permission.... little does it help.
The most difficult times were when the candy-giving people would get impatient with his questioning or wanting more than one candy.  A voice inside my head would say "give him a break, he's autistic." and on the outside I would quietly redirect him.  Mainly because I couldn't stand the sight of anyone being less than kind to him.  But really people!  If you have little tolerance towards children (autistic or not) please stay inside.  This is a special occasion for kids.  If you want to share it with them by handing out candy, remember this:  Parents are in charge of teaching their kids manners.  Not you.  You are only in charge of handing out candy until you run out.  And then your job is done.